We are so proud of the Civica KareInn partnership and the benefits and operational efficiencies and reporting it offers to our clients.
” It’s the deep integration that sets this partnership apart from other digital care planning and financial solutions. When Care Planning and Income Processing are integrated to this level, the benefits in the form of care outcomes, operational insight and cost efficiencies are unrivalled. “
— John Lanyon, Co-Founder KareInn
Creates the perfect flow of information from customer enquiry to resident admission. Once an account team confirms a resident’s affordability a full profile and care plan is automatically created, ready for admission.
Never lose sight of a potential lead. The system manages the differences between temporary and permanent declines in your CRM and Income processing. Optimise your sales process and ensure monthly occupancy targets are met.
The account team is updated automatically when a resident’s dependency level changes in a care plan. This care category change prompts a rate review allowing you to optimise income and remove time spent tracking status against billing.
Room changes prompted by dependency needs or personal requests are automatically synched. The system waits for the request to be accepted or rejected using the appropriate checks and adjusts fees and billing accordingly.
Resident transfers, temporary discharges and re-admissions are all recorded in care plans and the data synched with Income Processing. This enables up to the minute billing adjustments to be made and communicated with the payee.
Tracks complex billing and occupancy management associated with respite care. Ensures care data and income processing are always accurate. New care services can easily be introduced and new income streams secured.
Together the system ensures deaths and permanent discharges are handled sensitively. Any changes or delays due to family approvals or legal requirements are carefully monitored, billing systems updated and family informed.
When residents get the right care at the right time, the result is better health outcomes, more efficient use of resources and more control over income processing.
KareInn delivers on the promise of fundamentally better digital care home solutions with the Civica KareInn partnership.
”I was expecting good things from Civica and KareInn but the integration results exceeded my expectations.
Director of IT at KYN