Meet KareInn

In this short video, you’ll get a good idea of KareInn’s features including electronic care planning, approach and company culture from our CEO Rachelle Mills.

Why do our Clients say our electronic care planning is fundamentally better?


Smarter and Faster

Replace paper processes with electronic care planning and get the central oversight you need to run a smarter care business.

See in an instant how your homes and individual staff are performing. Customise with your own care plan layouts or use our care plan builder. Get flexibility and choice.

Assign specific tasks to staff and monitor the progress throughout the day, without having to chase and follow-up. You’ll have the information to make more informed care decisions at the point of care.


Collaborative Approach

We started collaborating with care home managers and carers from day one, to ensure our design and electronic are planning features were solving their day-to-day problems.

But we didn’t stop there. We didn’t want to take an existing paper-based system and simply digitise it without also asking carers questions about what else could be made better, how could we make the offering as brilliant as possible?

The resulting Digital Care Suite and KareInn Global Platform give care homes the depth of features they need with an easy to use interface.


Continuous Development

We are continuously developing new features in line with our founders’ mission:

To ensure that every person receiving care through our system is living the best life possible.

We leverage technology to help give residents the independence, choice and individuality they want, the care staff the freedom and time to care and senior management the oversight to make the improvements that ensure higher occupancy rates and minimise risk.


Cost Effective

We launched as a cloud-based, mobile platform and have the benefit of not being dependent on legacy systems.

Legacy systems drive up costs which inevitably get passed on to the clients and require more arduous (and costly) training and on-boarding.

Having fewer layers means our pricing is simpler too.


GDPR Compliance and Security

Data privacy and security are our highest priorities and we work hard to ensure you feel confident to place your trust in us.

Data security is core to the way we’ve built the KareInn platform. Security processes are regularly reviewed and audited to ensure they meet the highest standards and follow the Department of Health and Social Care’s code of conduct for data-driven health and care technology.


To request a demo click here, we’d love to show you how our digital care planning works and how the platform ensures your homes are well managed now and in the future.