About the service
“Manor Farm is registered to provide support to 25 people, some of whom may be living with dementia.
The new management team had been in place for three weeks at the time of that inspection and was already making improvements. The service provided us with an action plan stating how they intended to make the required improvements. At this inspection, we found that the necessary improvements had been made to comply with all the regulations previously breached. The service is now rated ‘good’ in all key questions.”
What the CQC say about the Digital Care Suite
“There was a robust quality assurance system in place and shortfalls identified were promptly acted on to improve the service. Significant improvements had been made in the service in a short time frame which demonstrated to us that the management team were effective.”
“At this inspection, we found that significant improvements had been made in how risks to people were monitored and minimised. Each person had a set of individualised risk assessments. These assessed the level of risk to the person in areas such as pressure care, malnutrition or falls. Where people were identified as at risk, there were clear instructions that staff could refer to in order to minimise the risk to people.”
“A new electronic system had been implemented for care planning and for recording when care was delivered. We were shown how this system would highlight to the manager and remind staff if actions to minimise risks had not been recorded. For example, the system would immediately flag up if someone had not been repositioned at the required time. This meant that immediate action could be taken to ensure the required care was delivered to minimise risks to people. The electronic system would also highlight to the management team when people’s needs changed, such as if they lost weight. This meant the management team could take prompt action to review risk management strategies in place for the person.”
“Staff we spoke with knew about people’s needs and showed us how they could access information about people’s needs quickly on the electronic care records system. This meant we were assured that staff had the information required to provide people with effective care in line with best practice guidance.”
“An effective system had been implemented to assess the quality of the service. The management team carried out regular audits in areas such as infection control, daily records, care plans and medicines. We saw these were capable of identifying issues and action was taken to reduce the risk of repeat incidents.”
“The implementation of an electronic care records system meant that the management team could immediately identify when required care interventions had not been recorded. For example, if someone required repositioning but the staff did not record a reposition at the required time, the system would alert the management team so they could follow this up. We saw that the electronic tablets staff carried reminded them when they needed to carry out required tasks such as repositioning which reduced the risk of staff”
“This system also allowed the management team to identify where people’s needs were changing, such as if they lost weight or if their risk of pressure ulcers increased. Staff were also required to record how people had been on each shift, and this was reviewed by the management team to ensure they kept up to date with people’s needs.”