About the service
“Hayes Park Nursing Home is a care home providing personal and nursing care for up to 49 people. The service supports younger adults and older people living with dementia, physical disability and are in need of nursing care. At the time of the inspection visit, 32 people were using the service. ”
What the CQC say about the Digital Care Suite
“The new electronic care planning system provided guidance for staff to follow to meet people’s needs and keep them safe.”
“People received care that was personalised and responsive. People were involved in the planning and reviewing of their care. The new electronic care planning system showed people’s needs were assessed thoroughly and in good detail. Individual preferences, wishes and diverse needs were captured so the staff knew how people wished to be supported.”
“Staff maintained people’s confidentiality and their records were accurate, complete and legible. Paper records were stored securely, and electronic care records required a password.”
“Care plans were accurate and reflective of people’s current needs, cultural and religious beliefs, sexuality and interests. This helped to ensure people were not at risk of discrimination. Information was instantly available to staff by using the electronic handheld devices. The alerts prompted staff to provide certain aspects of care including wellbeing checks, such as re-positioning people cared for in bed to prevent skin damage and to encourage people to drink more to prevent the risk of dehydration.”
“The provider visited the service regularly and monitored the progress of improvements. The visit report showed the provider monitored the effectiveness of the new electronic care planning and medicine system.”
“The registered manager told us about the new ‘smart digital continence system’ being implemented this month. The design will promote and maintain people’s dignity using innovative technology. A sensor in a continence pad will monitor and display a colour on a discreet device to alert staff when someone requires personal care. This system provides dignity and reduces the need for unnecessary checks, and movement of people.”
“Positive feedback had been received from the clinical commissioning group about the quality of care, the electronic care planning and medicines management systems. The registered manager had been responsive to feedback about the improvement needed for the environment.”