About the service
“Oriel Lodge is a care home and accommodates 20 people in one adapted building. At the time of our inspection 16 people were living there.”
What the CQC say about the Digital Care Suite
“An environmental ‘slips trips and falls checklist’ was completed regularly and was used to identify potential trip hazards, for example, trailing wires, doormats and the condition of the flooring. The recently installed electronic care planning system was used effectively to identify the potential triggers of falls, including what the person was doing at the time of the fall and this was reviewed at least monthly.”
“The provider had an effective system in place to record and monitor incidents. The provider had recently implemented a new electronic system that improved how the registered manager and provider reviewed accidents and incidents to identify themes and areas for improvement. The system enabled the provider and registered manager to have up to date information about recorded incidents and to respond quickly.”
“When action plans were created, we saw evidence that the actions had been completed. For example, one action plan involved the service making a referral to the GP to review a person’s medication. The GP had been contacted and a review of medication completed. The provider and registered manager investigated incidents thoroughly and implemented any improvements needed.”
“Staff entered the amounts people had eaten and drunk onto their electronic notes. This was one of the care activities staff were required to complete on the new electronic care records system. This enabled the registered manager to have an overview of how much people were eating and drinking.”
“Care plans were person-centred. The provider had changed from a paper-based system to an electronic system. Everybody’s care plan had been transferred to the new system. Each person’s care plan began with, “What is important to me”, followed by, “Things that worry or upset me”, and, “Things that relax me”. The care plan started with a person’s emotional well-being. Staff recorded all care activities electronically which enabled the provider and registered manager to monitor and audit care activities as they happened. This meant they were aware when care had not been delivered and were able to intervene.”
“The service was well-managed. There was a coherent strategy in place to deliver compassionate person-centred care to people living at the service. The new provider had invested in making improvements to the service such as the electronic records system. This enabled the provider and registered manager to monitor the delivery of care as it happened. We also met the design specialist who had been engaged to improve the environment for people living with dementia.”