There’s no doubt in our mind that technology and collaboration are the great enablers, making the delivery of elderly care ever more effective and efficient. This is the guiding belief behind KareInn Digital Labs.

KareInn Labs is an umbrella term for a series of innovative collaborations exploring new technologies and ways of working. Combined with the flexibility and continuous development of the KareInn platform, these collaborative projects are pioneering innovative approaches to elderly care delivery.

Collaboration is critical. No single organisation has all the expertise and knowledge needed to crack the complex challenges presented by an ageing population with more complex care needs.

Here are a few examples for collaborative projects we’re engaged in.

Acoustic Monitoring of Residents

Ally and Friends of the Elderly are carrying out pioneering work around acoustic monitoring for checking on the wellbeing of care home residents overnight. The technology provides continuous monitoring and removes the need to interrupt residents’ sleep to check on their condition.

The technology uses AI to interpret sounds and identify any that are abnormal for that resident. The device can identify night-time events such as unusual movement or calling for help. It then alerts staff.

Integrating the technology with KareInn provides contextual information for each resident and alarm, including care plans, vital statistics, contact tracing, food and water intake and any mood or behavioural changes. KareInn recommends actions to staff for responding to the alerts through its mobile and desktop interface.

Data collected during the trial shows a reduction in fall rates by 55% and hospital admissions by 20%. There have been additional health-related outcomes including improved infection control and early intervention in the case of a heart attack.

Friends of the Elderly’s Chief Executive, Steve Allen, commented: “We now have an integrated solution – linking acoustic monitoring to electronic care planning – which will continue to support us in providing the best possible care. This has been particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic, responding to any concerns or illness more promptly more quickly.”

Early Detection of Dementia

KareInn has also collaborated with The Dementia Research Centre at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology to develop the Ignite app. This enables the presymptomatic detection of early frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in individuals who are genetically disposed to develop the disease later in life.

Other KareInn Digital Labs collaborations involve investigating the benefits of VR in the care of older adults and exploring partnership frameworks for better person-centred care.

Artificial Intelligence

KareInn already incorporates elements of AI, in particular machine learning. We’re busy researching how this capability can be enhanced using Google DeepMind Health to develop predictive diagnostic capabilities.

We’re dedicated to making KareInn the most capable and easy-to-use care management solution possible. But we also know that’s only part of what’s needed. So look out for further exciting collaborations to come through KareInn Digital Labs.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to see how KareInn could already improve your care management, book your demo.