In the aftermath of a safeguarding incident it’s not unusual to uncover warning signs that were missed – overlooked among the sheer volume of activity.

But that doesn’t mean the risks were unavoidable or undetectable. Perhaps there were ‘near misses’ that weren’t fully documented or followed up.

Safe and effective care is always a blend of person-centred and system-based approaches. Naturally, everything revolves around the individual, their needs and their wellbeing. But without the right systems that’s hard to maintain 100% of the time.

Safeguarding Systems And Practices

It’s no surprise that establishing effective systems and practices is one of the CQC’s key expectations regarding safeguarding. They expect to see: ‘robust procedures for risk assessment, reporting, and handling safeguarding concerns.’

How robust can those systems and practices be if care planning is done on paper and manually updated?

A quick refresher on CQC’s key indicators:

  • People feeling safe and supported: Service users should feel secure, empowered to raise concerns, and receive responsive action when needed.
  • Effective management of safeguarding risks: Proactive identification and mitigation of potential risks through robust assessment and intervention procedures.
  • Timely and appropriate action on concerns: Prompt reporting, investigation, and resolution of safeguarding issues, respecting the wishes of the individual concerned.
  • Positive outcomes for service users: Safeguarding measures should ultimately contribute to improved well-being and quality of life for individuals.

Risk Management and Evidence

KareInn delivers management tools that not only make it more efficient to manage risks and track actions needed to address risks – they also make it simple to manage the documentation and evidence you need to demonstrate that safeguarding is fully under control.

In an ideal world your capabilities in dealing with a significant safeguarding incident are never put to the test. That’s because you have the systems in place to identify, avoid or manage potential risks at an early stage. The emphasis is foresight, not hindsight.

KareInn provides the tools such as digital care planning, comprehensive management reporting and event management to make that goal realistic and attainable.

Book a Demo today to find out more