Real-time health monitoring can make a significant difference to physical wellbeing at any age. Through continuous monitoring of key indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate and weight, it’s possible to pick up potential health concerns sooner and prevent them from becoming more acute.

There seems little doubt that real-time monitoring will become increasingly common in elderly care. The main obstacles to more widespread use are client acceptance and ensuring that whatever monitoring system is used is fully integrated into the overall care management environment.

No care home needs a separate source of health monitoring data that has to be viewed and managed in a different system.

Effective Integration

Where KareInn has implemented real-time monitoring – such as acoustic monitoring of nighttime activity – we’ve been careful to ensure that there’s full integration with core care management functions.

The same is true of our integration with Camascope medication management, where data is automatically synchronised between the two systems. Whenever a medication is recorded in Camascope, an update is posted in real-time to the KareInn timeline and appears in the relevant care plan.

Even without moving to complete real-time monitoring of every possible health indicator, there are many benefits to be gained from efficiently capturing details of care interactions and observations. Tools like the KareInn app and voice-to-text make the process simple. Important health and wellbeing information is captured as it happens, rather than waiting some time for hastily written paper records to be typed up.

The information collected is automatically compared with clinical baselines. Changes are spotted quickly so that you can take the necessary follow-up actions.

Smooth Handovers

Real-time monitoring leads to smoother and simpler handovers. These are no longer a memory test at the end of a busy and demanding shift. Important observations are already recorded in the care management system and highlighted for whoever takes over the care.

For care managers, there’s the added reassurance that each element of every care plan has been delivered as and when needed.

KareInn offers multiple opportunities for care managers to have a more comprehensive, real-time picture of the care being delivered across the home. Book a demo and see for yourself.